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< All Gretsch G6118LH 125th Anniversary reviews
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Gretsch G6118LH 125th Anniversary
Gretsch G6118LH 125th Anniversary
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blek77 blek77
Published on 08/01/08 at 07:28
Made in Japan
A violin perfect, awesome perfection !!!!!
2 microphones filter'tron
Bigsby vibrato course


Trs handle enjoyable to play and beautiful, more difficult than the ds when we want to make a rhythm box funcky the 12th because of the thickness of the box, but it is made for this? not of course ;-)
jouabilit cot in the treble, no problem, it's clean and sounds


So it's the gretsch!! Six possible positions with sounds radically DIFFERENT.
plug on the vox and go, rock n 'roll, rock, pop, blues, jazz and even picking.
polyvente much more than I thought, that there is enough funck that means ;-)
gretsch grain is recognizable and not for the purists comparisons .......


I use it for 1 year. it is not my only guitar, I have a les paul, a fender strato and Martin acoustics. I would say that Gretsch does not allow me to play in all registers and is a complment with others, my main guitar as the les paul.
on blues, some rock is the grestch I use, I love it. Rhythm in soul / funk stratum is much better and everything else (power rock, jazz, reggae ......) my prfre of all, the Les paul.

report quality price ..... I know .... but the quality of manufacturing is simply amazing
If I had to keep a guitar that would not be the one, but even which foot to play on this instrument !!!!!!