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Cruzer / Cruiser by Crafter LS-750
Cruzer / Cruiser by Crafter LS-750

LP-Shaped Guitar from Cruzer / Cruiser by Crafter

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sansogm sansogm

«  10/10 »

Published on 12/11/13 at 12:24
Made in China, Knight / fixed tailpiece, large enough to handle Colé 22 Fretes, 2 microphones H / H with 2 volume and 2 tone settings!


Heavy guitar, Manche very pleasant with a damper for the frets a little "catchy" without exaggeration, easy access to acute!


Sounds pretty bluesies with two additional microphones without enough very different beings!


I play with this guitar for a few months after having used my knuckles on a shabby Cyclone (superstrate type) and a very nice Epiphone ES200 (Folk)! I delight in (trying to play some) rock and blues solos! Despite the frets a little "incisive" and a volume knob schoolyard, the quality is good! For a hundred Euros (half price) I buy a dozen unhesitatingly costs "catalog" of € 200 I would award it a 9/10 value for money!