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< All Gibson Les Paul Studio '50s Tribute Humbucker reviews
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Gibson Les Paul Studio '50s Tribute Humbucker
Gibson Les Paul Studio '50s Tribute Humbucker

LP-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the Les Paul series

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Linn Sondek Linn Sondek
Published on 08/14/12 at 13:03
Here is a real Gibson made in the USA. And yes! for a price lower than a lot of PRS SE Asia, we can get a real U.S. with pickups!
Although this is a Tribute '50s, the handle is not as round as expected: it is thinner than a LP Traditional, which itself has a real handle on typical profile of 50 years. We find the usual fittings of Les Paul and the pickups are a 490R in the neck associated with a 498T in the bridge position. A set that is part of the Gibson range for decades and found on the LP Custom and Ice.
Both say right away, Gold Top finish is perfect and the alliance with the back "black" (it takes about eggplant) a success. It expects no less from such a mark but always bear in mind the really low price of this LP.


The body, like the Studio and the Standard, is "chmbered", It's to say it has widened cavities large enough, the guitar turns and very light (for LP), in weight a Stratocaster alder to place you ... And, of course, as is the case for LP Studio, the thickness of the body is less than on other LP. Place a LP Traditional Tribute to the '50s is an experience somewhat destabilizing: one does not feel the guitar at the beginning. Very well for long periods of play standing, much less when you are playing sat down, because one must juggle feet on the pedals and like to feel the full weight of his guitar.
Disregarding my Traditional, I would probably put the maximum score.


By (bad) surprises: the guitar sound and the pickups are really a fantastic job. Obviously, this is the case and to say, this Lp has not the weight of my Traditional: the sound does not possess neither the body nor the authority singing. But if one does not compare to a model whose price is still three times, one can only be taped: a real LP power less than 700 €, it's just incredible! As might be expected, the '50s Tribute has all the sonic palette of a Les Paul of his most brilliant and incisive than creamy and velvety. The pair 490/498 has nothing to prove and it works beautifully. And as always with Gibson quality electronics lowers the volume of each mic without losing the treble.


Considering the price, this guitar deserves a 10 out of 10. She is beautiful, of excellent workmanship, with flawless finishes and an electronic level. The sustain is really there and you can become infinite with the right pedal and the right setup (neck pickup tone with zero, or Big Muff GT OD, 78 Badass combination disto / OD Badass modified, compressor and valve amp).
I added some chrome covers on the pickups which, origin, are naked.
I think this guitar is simply the perfect choice for those who have to invest € 700.