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Gibson Les Paul Studio Gem
Gibson Les Paul Studio Gem

LP-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the Les Paul series

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clyde_b clyde_b
Published on 08/26/05 at 13:29
This is a guitar United States (forcment!) Team of two microphones P90, a beautiful color "red wine". Everything else is CHARACTERISTICS of Les Paul, so I do not m'tends on the subject ...
Only problem: the bridge, which is not super convenient for me ... but it's got a case of this kind of bridge Obviously having proven.


I find the handle trs enjoyable: large. It's a heavy guitar, which possde incredible sustain.
Trs is enjoyable to play, everything seems simple.


The sound is simply incredible sounds clear, full, a rgal. It should all styles of music: blues, jazz (the P90 gives a warm sound), rock, funk or hard (but this is not my thing) ... everything goes well


I love this guitar. It's been three years since I use (mostly on scne). Sounds are trs Varis and good quality. The sustain is excellent. Aesthetics and visual pleasure sound!