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Harley Benton L-450 Gothic
Harley Benton L-450 Gothic
hervé61 hervé61
Published on 05/21/09 at 13:50
Guitar made in China
22 jumbo frets / 2 EMG-HZ H4 humbeukers (the sound of Zakk Wylde)
fixed bridge with strings through
1 volume, 1 tone, a 3-way selectors
D flat handle

I put the score of 8 for the neck and pickups, the rest of the electronics and knobs are of poor quality


Channel pleasant enough super surprised because I expected a plank but not unplayable it is fast and comfortable

access to fairly good despite the acute form LesPaul

the shape is that of a les paul in mind, but with more modern forms approaching advantage to LTD-EC. for it is very light weight I do not know what he's done it parrait wood tree
to have a good sound just turn the volume knob and give the beast well as mechanical is not necessarily high precision but by tightening the correct set of keys and a good set of strings that's it


I play metal and emg are the reason for my purchase of this guitar and the look of death ;-)
played on Fender, Marshall and also rectify a triple mesa home, the sound is excellent but you need a good noise drip pan sizzles as his fierce, problem isolation components I think I solved the problem by hanging a small wire between the volume knob and the bridge and hop over sizzling

I can get close to can all kinds of sound from very clean and warm Deffin start type in mind kind vintage AC / DC Bon Scott era to modern metal ZACKK WYLDE

I put 9 for the sound after the modification done with small electrical wire


I play on it for over a year
I love her look she is very well finished and the heads of dead Kurk Hammet way gives a very nice finish to the object. mics are excellent, precise and powerful despite some claims to the contrary, I find emg-hz very good. on the other hand I do not like the quality of "electronic or the knobs. at the same time for 158 euros at thomman ...
Ive tried many guitars before this one, of much better, but much more expensive too.
yes I will ever be the same choice without hesitation. this is not a guitar turnkey must tighten anything with strings and a filletage.changer handle the issue with stuttering, the craft is to me because I know nothing of electronics a scratch but after it's a real pleasure to play on