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Lâg Roxane Standard
Lâg Roxane Standard

LP-Shaped Guitar from Lâg belonging to the Roxane series

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Mc.redneck Mc.redneck
Published on 07/21/04 at 17:06
Value For Money : Poor
* Prcis in any other opinion *
the selector ... it's really a shame. lol


Channel trs enjoyable ... bomb relatively fast, comfortable, lacks a bit of personality I would say. Access in acute comfortable without
The body is small trs forcment not evident when the nitre ndpasse eighty of feel comfortable with ... over the heavy mahogany body dsquilibre compltement the guitar ... which is sitting upright and mostly I find REALLY problmatique.
Its small handle also can be dstabilisant for large hands that we tend to get tangled brush ... RON THAL chuis not, it's clear .. but I am sometimes dstabilis ...

The microphones then the is still quite ambiguous ... Seymour Duncan's spot, his big, fat level, Stereo output ('ll know what to ca ... use it with a cable may be to insert)
Spilt to the rhythmic sounds quieter or sour .. or bluesy solos that stain ptits position intermdiaire ... There's definitely a good ah .. I am the m'enfin aps to say that my guitar is amazing .. of course it is .. I prfre advancing schmilblick.
the microphones are almost "too much" I think ... .. they lack a bit like the handle of a clean grain .. It's his ... There's a warm, beefy, juicy, grain and fat ... almost more than a Les paul I find ... it lacks the Gibson Pitet lil something but I sometimes ptite overdose of fat, output level monster. I am far from being a Paganini of the volume knob namoins ... m'enfin out of it, it's still a good instrument trs trs with a mouth of hell, many possibilities ... trs east rock / hardcore / metal / heavy blues are all ...


It is a trs trs trs good instrument to sound warm, a bit acidic, perfect for rock trs trs within the meaning of the term ... a paradise of schredders fatigus ibanez, lol. sound monstrous trs trs Submitted hot, very modern.
I play primarily on Johnson J'station live in the table.
The sound is fat and trs hot on the mic severe (PAF 59), plush and full of teeth on the upper (JB), the position is quite interesting intermdiaire to assay the two sounds, but out of phase position trsdlicate is such a grate with a gain!
Bonnard's all split into the acute, there is a large stratum, or more so a lil cot P90 eights. in intermdiaire is happiness my taste .. with a lil of his Mesa Mark II and a Oktave hidden right down the hall, there's a fairly standard .. a lil jeff beck rating / Rory Gallagher and Muse pushing the gain ... Finally .. ca .. it's my personal point of view ...
the only serious micro Splitter is charming .. still a lot of body ... m'enfin for ptite rhythmic reggae with a lil leslie effect ca a charm!


I have this guitar for 97
Like this could be trying to be the fairest and most critical.
The template, the balance, the selector does not suit me .. m'enfin ca is personal .. I have that not be so great, huh!
The shape, contour, bomb the table, the wood, split, sound, diversity, finally .. What the rest ... is that of happiness! As a Paul Reed Smith .. (Signature MODEL santana 4batons one, eh .. not that 3francs6sous) but also in short lil.
It's not a fender or a gibson .. It does not really be prtends ... o so that they have chi serious lag in ... lol.
I tried a lot of MODELS before it and even during and APRS .. and frankly .... ca is the grave ... Finally .. I do not know what it feels like ... But it's full of tips and ca does it well, it's dj ca.
qualitprix the report .. bah ... the era c'tait top today .. bha seen any increase and opportunities for all fawns are worthless ... mga business is ... is the most versatile and least expensive of roxanne actually ... finish so simple price correction .. but killer micros and split table and bomb ...

both absolutely in terms of allergic Ibanez guitar .. Jackson and ESP too metal my taste, Fender and Gibson, too expensive and exclusive in their field in any case the era, Gretsch, Godin, Framus, Guild, PRS and other makers of instruments too expensive for my 'tit budget ... so ... bah kwa walla ... the top!

with experience .. I would probably look at it from another angle ... notament saving more .. or emerging richer .. m'enfin fawns all .. with the same budget y'avait and there's always, I think ... no better.