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Lâg Roxane Standard RS200
Lâg Roxane Standard RS200

LP-Shaped Guitar from Lâg belonging to the Roxane 200 series

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kristolikid kristolikid
Published on 07/28/08 at 03:29
Retailer list of technical specifications is on the sit lag.fr


I played 25 years (!) On a Gibson Les Paul Custom in 1976 before going to the fly on June 21 (the balls!), So I t have to buy a skyscraper in an emergency to continue The series of concerts.J 've essay 4 (Jim Harley, ltd, Cort and lag) seeking to regain the feeling clean and gibson son.Bien Obviously I did not have the budget for a gibson.
So I opt for the lag for its playability, its electronic and stringed instruments.
it was necessary that I rode with the handle a little more strait and especially the jumbo frets are a little larger than the gibson.
Nanmoins, APRS this tutorial a few hours, I really be satisfied with this choice as a mid-range, it sounds, it is playable, Access in acute is easy.
The little cot is the least of the cheap acastillage, but should not RVer, this price rang hollow and the other their overall quality is not that level.
Playing little prs all styles, I find myself even though the push-pull plutt is a gadget which I would use probably not.
Plays a good all-tube amp (Laney VC30) I come back the vintage sound of the 70 big sound to modern heavy, so even if it is made in China, n ' hsitez not invest in quality resulting from the MODEL franaise.Sans xnophobisme or patriotism, I intend to later invest in a r-gibson.


Laney VC30, Marshall Valvestate 80
all sounds, with the added push-pull or humbucking singlecoil


For a month
most: its price, its overall quality
the least: the handle falling (the balance) and the cheap cot acastillage
report qual / Price: Unbeatable
I would do this choice less qu'Epiphone last book stores franais.