iCon iControls - " Does the job"
translatedI use it for almost 1 year I have not tried other models before the acquierir What I like most: rather robust What I like least: a little too compact (which may be a plus for many others) Wi…
iCon iControls - " to avoid!!"
translatedI have been using the early afternoon this is my first model in this range the +: - the price - Design - Manufacturing quality pretty decent for this price ... the -: - editing software…
iCon iControls - " good machine for the price"
translatedI use this creature for 1 month I have tried and used the behringer BCF2000 from home atrayant most is its compactibility least the soft imap and update firmware I bought two for € 36 at bot…
iCon iControls - " Big disappointment!"
translatedI just got this machine, I can compare the Korg nanoKONTROL. While seemingly version icon appears better invoice level of development is a disaster! There are really two or three things to know b…
iCon iControls - " very practical field"
translatednot agree with the previous opinion: neophyte noon, I bought 2 of Woodbrass (cheap) - 1 to control light (wonderful whitecat PC and includes four audio players, thank you again Christof: whitecat l…
iCon iControls - " Good but too complicated editor."
translatedMaterial that seems solid enough space between the buttons and faders, joystick mouse that would be, but difficult to controller. Just a pity that the publisher is so poorly thought!