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Swissonic MIDI-USB 1X1
Swissonic MIDI-USB 1X1
julienvoirin julienvoirin
Published on 03/17/07 at 14:49
To connect an MPC Live example
OS 10.4.9


No driver required under X's native


I have full MIDI interfaces, and this one works like the others, is just rename the audiomidisetup to give it a nicer name than "USB MIDI device"
Q / P excellent

Notice to persons who have difficulty with the installation: plug the interface into the computer, the computer You Started. configure the AMS (I do not think there is a core noon under XP) and will connect the MIDI instrument concern (CRER necessary, in my case a CGPA)
Put in the IN OUT! both in virtual real!

position "through" the SWISSONIC can leave your synth in local control and play off the computer when it is dyed or not when using a sequencer loaded gun to the MIDI ports.

for 20 euros at Thomann TRS is good. Longva see the rest over several years