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< All GORDIUS GORDIUS Big Little Giant 2 reviews
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GORDIUS GORDIUS Big Little Giant 2
GORDIUS GORDIUS Big Little Giant 2
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«  I control the world »

Published on 03/11/11 at 09:38
Awesome product, I will not detail the options because there is simply everything you want to do and even more .....

It can connect with one (or 2 or 3) FCB1010 (and a special EPROM) and was already available to switch 23. (You can climb up to 32 max)

Everything is configurable.

I have never seen so many opportunities on a pedalboard noon!

He buried very far from big names like Axcess AllAccess or other electronics.

The price is lower

Super strong construction

Edit simplissime thanks to the USB interface and the software download on the net.

In short everything is good 10/10

Sul default (but I do not care) the expressions of FCB1010 pedals are very slow with. Me I prefer a good old ernie ball: AC at least it's accurate