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Freak Show Enterprises JambaLaya

Freak Show Enterprises has updated JambaLaya to v1.3.1.
  • Automute Feature: there is a new preference “Automatically Mute on Zero Volume” found under JambaLaya->Preferences. Checking this box will mute any channel when the fader is set to zero (the mute button will light up to indicate this). You will also notice that the CPU load from that instrument drops to zero as it ceases rendering audio. This saves on CPU resources. The instrument and all effects on the channel are also sent a “reset” command to silence any tailing audio. Not all instruments or effects implement this message correctly. The ones that don’t will resume their audio decays immediately upon being 'unmuted’. A possible workaround is to move the volume up a little to take the track out of mute and let it “settle” before bringing the volume up full on.
  • Smarter Muting: JambaLaya used to restore the saved state of Audio Units upon unmuting. This made some sample based instruments think they were getting a patch change and would make them reload their samples. JambaLaya now only restores instrument state upon changing songs.
  • Numerous small fixes for working around problems with Native Instruments Akoustik and Elektrik Pianos.
  • Fixed display of About JambaLaya box.
  • Additional optimization of drawing routines.

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