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Gemini DJ BPM 1
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Published on 08/20/06 at 06:36
I have 3 years has little prs.

Supposed to count the BPM of two phono / line and helps diffrent stalling.
- For display on the displays at the same time the two values ​​(but not in real time, there is a lag time of 2 sec I think, or 3 ...)
- For a system that of lights red or green.

it works very well, it soon lost this machine, most of the time values ​​posters are wrong. Sometimes even just a rhythm 4 / 4 kick with the time it gets lost ... In addition to the above 160BPM took it becomes that BPM 2 prs, when it's good ... disturbs more than anything else has, it can not be trusted.

My opinion is that it is a purchase compltement useless. Ms. so disturbing as to be against-productive. If I had known ... I would not buy even 10 euros. Really.