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Boost Water Shiqwa

All user reviews for the Boost Water Shiqwa

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  • Anonymous

    Boost Water ShiqwaPublished on 11/23/05 at 10:54
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I have for some days, I have not yet had the opportunity to really test it on hard, but I must admit that the effect is quite nice. You catch yourself looking at the effect of the water for a long minute and rvasser. Indeed trsrussi!
    The colors change on their own (white, red, yellow, blue, purple, green and yellow). You can choose to leave altrner colors or choose a single color for the entire evening. According to manufacturer data, the scope is 4 m2. 250W lamp supplied.

    Trs a nice effect, for the price, I do not regret.