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B.C. Rich Platinum Ironbird

All user reviews for the B.C. Rich Platinum Ironbird

Other Shape Guitar from B.C. Rich belonging to the Ironbird series

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  • metalexophobiemetalexophobie

    B.C. Rich Platinum IronbirdPublished on 12/12/05 at 16:46
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Here is the time to rant ....
    So this is (a t) Premire my electric I got in 1994, and tap me in the eye illico ... damage, if I remember the little sticker behind the tet, c'tait Coren's (and true ...)
    Designed in a good scratch mtal two humbukers, a 24 fret neck, a "LICENSE" pink floyd
    2 knobs, volume / 2 Tone switches, micro clasique the bass / treble, and the second used a splitter PS is not what the difference between the two sounds minimalissime
    Always handle 24 frets, rosewood nice finish.


    The handle is it better There's scratches on this it must be Japanese because it stands out from the rest of the guitar, the highs are attained very easy, but of cours…
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    Here is the time to rant ....
    So this is (a t) Premire my electric I got in 1994, and tap me in the eye illico ... damage, if I remember the little sticker behind the tet, c'tait Coren's (and true ...)
    Designed in a good scratch mtal two humbukers, a 24 fret neck, a "LICENSE" pink floyd
    2 knobs, volume / 2 Tone switches, micro clasique the bass / treble, and the second used a splitter PS is not what the difference between the two sounds minimalissime
    Always handle 24 frets, rosewood nice finish.


    The handle is it better There's scratches on this it must be Japanese because it stands out from the rest of the guitar, the highs are attained very easy, but of course with a scratch and form a con a huge head (is) a life she falls down on stage to be boring .... bahh but sitting is Grable, proving I learned the guitar for 1 year with (a crisis of teacher rpetition !).... to get her a bin is not won They may be doubles, the microphones have an average output level but as beginners MIDI j'tait omnubil in 1995 by Max Cavalera and warlocks of j 'I said whha like me ... lost.


    I played at that time in the group cre Zique by my school and it was the pop rock funk so no, but I wanted the same stuff as SEPULTURA or DEATH, c'tait BCRich and Marshall, but name only ... the sounds were and are still ways, the sustain of the guitar vacuum is good, clear sound almost not bad, the disto ... ..... asthmatic wheezing weaklings so small humbuckers


    She has over 10 years, she got wherever I dmenage is the mistress Baffou very good but bitch. It could have been more if, the microphones were not weaklings, if the procedures were not crappy, if the infection block rope n'tait no shame (in the wrong tuning of that silent screwed if the Designed silent not even very roughly (a stack of small iron plate for the treble), if a "Floyd" was not ashamed Mount Disagree over everything every stroke of vibrato (the ultimate worst) and also because I disassemble him once (well worth a wish) and I have a veining of wood Discoveries horible, they cut the guitar due to a Formica table, because everything was crap, you feel that Koreans are fucking the stuffing chips into the holes of the wood .... terrible ...
    how much you paid j'tai dja?? En 2500 era has too much for what it is, referai'je this choice? ben since I have a dislike for all that is Floyd vibrato or damage ... so not all need ben non
    referai'je the same choice? 16 years old probably has 27 unfinished .... and yet it was really my first love guitar from elsewhere, it still drags a cot for me to work plans, hack agreements, engineering stuff, it has since lost its power chord crap on a floyd t blocked with 2 other springs ... short I not give up, because its shape is beautiful and it's my Premire ....

    ps it is still quite a tune ... can be at this time the tomb suis'je a rare bad piece fawn, and I have not had a bad pice ....
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