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Ibanez GAX70
Ibanez GAX70

Other Shape Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the GIO AX series

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« Ibanez GAX70 »

Published on 12/23/02 at 15:00
I received this Guitar as a Christmas present from my wife. I beleive she paid around $200.00 for it at my local Music Mart. She knew nothing about instruments, she picked it out because of how great it looked (Transparent Red)Apparently she looked at more expensive models, but really liked the way the GAX70 looked.

I already had three Axes before I got the Ibanez. A HAMER USA made Double Cutaway, An Epiphone SLASH model Les Paul, and a Fender Japanese Made Strat. For the money you are not going to beat the GAX70!! It is built very well, and the weight is perfect for an all night gig. I love the color as well, it gets alot of compliments. I did install Grover Tuners and Chrome Humbucker Covers on the pickups, to dress it up just a tad.
I changed the tuners simply because I use it as a back up at Gigs sometimes, and didnt want to worry about it coming out of tune. It sounds almost as good as my Epiphone, it tends to have a little more feedback on higher volume levels. It says alot about this guitar that I put spent an extra $70.00 on the Tuners and Humbucker covers to improve its looks.

There is not much I dont like about this one, The main thing is the input Jack, it used to loosen up on me, until I used a little locktite on the nut. I also dont care for the Nut, its kind of cheap, but you need to expect that for a lower priced guitar. The Positives definately outweigh the negatives by a long shot.

Great Construction,
Neck is Bolt on, and ver fast, great guitar for someone with smaller hands/fingers
Not veryheavy for a Mahogany Guitar!!!!

The Bottom line is as I have stated previously.
In My opinion This Guitar cannot be beat for the money. I was never a Huge Ibanez Fan until I got this one. This guitar is fit for a beginner or established player.
I would buy this for someone else with no regrets, For a few extra dollars you can dress it up as I stated before, and really make it look like a Gibson SG. I play it as much as I do my other Axes, and That Says alot about it!!!!!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com