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Samick SR-660-ARS/TT
Samick SR-660-ARS/TT
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Audiofanzine FR Audiofanzine FR
Published on 12/12/08 at 03:50
(Originally written by Soloist/translated from Audiofanzine FR)
Made in Korea

24 frets, two Samick single coils and one humbucker. No humbucker split function.

The tremolo under Floyd Rose license isn't the best.

Volume control

Tone control

5-way toggle switch

Very good neck. Fast, comfortable, precise.


Very pleasant neck





I've owned this guitar since 1995. Years have gone by without a single problem.

My model is black and the neck has no pearly arrow inlays.

I don't like the golden hardware anymore so I'm gonna change them for silver (machine heads, string locking system, knobs, strap locks, screws, etc.).

I replaced the pots and the toggle switch because they generated noise.

I think I will also install a silver Floyd Rose tremolo.

I also own an Ibanez S470 Sabre series which is much worst than this old and affordable Samick in spite of its DIMARZIO TONE ZONE pickup.

This Samick has a rather inaccurate response but that's what I like about it.

The sound is warm. It's a great guitar.

I play it with a Starforce amp and a Boss EM-6 effect board.