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Washburn JB100 Midi
Washburn JB100 Midi
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MGR/Claes Cornelius MGR/Claes Cornelius

« Washburn JB100 MIDI »

Published on 03/07/10 at 15:00
Having read an article about the JB-100 MIDI version, I ventured to get one right away - untried! I'm in Denmark, where the music shop Aage Jensen represents Washburn, so I figured they'd had one to try. Not so! The shop contacted Washburn that then responded 'OK, we'll build one for you'. After a long gestation period, it finally landed on my doorstep many months later :)

As I was asked 'which color do you want', I selected to have it in white (the other option was a kind of butterscotch color).

Background info: I started up on guitar as a precocious teenager in the 60s... by now, I'm sixty myself! I've been through a lot of gear and destroyed many guitars along the way. As I'm also playing keyboards and doing sequencing on a computer, I've been interested in MIDI guitar potential since it was invented. Having two Casio MG-510 guitars with built-in MIDI, I got interested in Washburn's Jennifer Batten guitar with MIDI.

I'm grateful for the help provided by the Aage Jensen shop here in Copenhagen and the final price for guitar, case and shipping was about 25,000 Danish Crowns - very expensive!

<a href="http://www.aage.dk">http://www.aage.dk</a>

Besides the MIDI functionality that is definitely tops, it is a fantastic guitar on its own as just a blasting electric sort of super-Strat. Its Buzz Feiten tuning takes a bit of time to get used to, but works well with MIDI and is an improvement over previous 'normal' guitars with added MIDI.

According to an email message I just got from a friend that wanted to buy one, Washburn doesn't make them anymore... He asked 'would you sell yours?' and my instant reply was 'no, never ever ever!'.

So Washburn, if you're reading this, are you kidding???? I know that the market for MIDIfied guitars is limited, but this is a disgrace! You've done along with Jennifer Batten the best-ever MIDI guitar. So please resume production of the MIDIfied JB-100!!!

Tops!!! It's very ergonomic in use, also when playing live gigs. MIDI guitars are notoriously fiddly and sort of studio-oriented, but this one delivers also when blasting out onstage. From that angle, it's very good at being plugged into all kinds of effect pedals. In use, onstage, you need to have some tap-dancing abilities... A floorboard of effects for guitar and another one for MIDI sounds.

Typically, the normal guitar stuff goes through an amplifier to be picked up by a microphone and further amplified through a P.A. system. The MIDI bits are then directly injected from sound source directly to a P.A. mixer, and from there to onstage monitor cabs - easy it isn't!

Unfortunately, it isn't any longer a guitar you can order in a music shop. That's a pity! When I bought it, I never imagined that it would qualify a precious vintage guitar that fast. I don't know how many were done, but I imagine that few were produced...

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com