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Taylor 214
Taylor 214

Other Steel String Guitar from Taylor belonging to the 200 series

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gromitdog gromitdog
Published on 10/31/08 at 04:11
Just to confirm that the 214 tower with net cash (bending) in white = new generation whose wood is more solid for the bottom and sides!

older with brown bending Sepel are massive for the bottom and sides
= Mine as of 2004 and tried a recent ... uh .. it has nothing to do!

So if you want a 214 that sounds old previllegier of opportunity because even though they are less beautiful they sound far better!


Just to confirm that the 214 tower with net cash (bending) in white = new generation whose wood is more solid for the bottom and sides!

older with brown bending Sepel are massive for the bottom and sides
= Mine as of 2004 and tried a recent ... uh .. it has nothing to do!

So if you want a 214 that sounds old previllegier of opportunity because even though they are less beautiful they sound far better!


Just to confirm that the 214 tower with net cash (bending) in white = new generation whose wood is more solid for the bottom and sides!

older with brown bending Sepel are massive for the bottom and sides
= Mine as of 2004 and tried a recent ... uh .. it has nothing to do!

So if you want a 214 that sounds old previllegier of opportunity because even though they are less beautiful they sound far better!


Just to confirm that the 214 tower with net cash (bending) in white = new generation whose wood is more solid for the bottom and sides!

older with brown bending Sepel are massive for the bottom and sides
= Mine as of 2004 and tried a recent ... uh .. it has nothing to do!

So if you want a 214 that sounds old previllegier of opportunity because even though they are less beautiful they sound far better!