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Behringer Ultraroc GX110
Behringer Ultraroc GX110
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Saadik Saadik
Published on 07/28/05 at 05:42
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Easy to use, this little amp to find the right sound in seconds.
For me, who bought this product in a region close to Germany, I book the manual in English, German and French (DIFFERENT astonishment). with these three books is fairly complete.


N'esprez not get a great sound with this amp. If it can meet the needs of beginners, it shows its limits trs when moving towards a game well Dfine.
Despite this, it is fairly versatile and can play many styles of music.
The clean channel offers INTERESTED effects (always in relation to its price ...)
The overdrive as it is fairly limited but it is sufficient to rgl beginners.
The mdiums too Submitted, bass and treble too low too noisy ..
(But again a question of rglages)


I possde this amp for 5 years and the sound is always the same one who offered m'tait when I bought. (Fluke?)
It is quite practical for small sites, however, with serious 7, mdiums of 5 and 8 of acute, if you push the volume, it is possible to cover a battery with a rock 80.
In the silent era it pretty good in its price range, nanmoins now my choice would be a VOX AD30 srement VT. (Slightly more expensive and so suprieur)