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Vox AD15VT
Vox AD15VT
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voodoochild666 voodoochild666
Published on 07/30/07 at 14:27
- Hybrid Amplifier (lamp + transistor).
- 15 watts, but power is dlivre suprieure.
- Input, line out / headphone, footswitch between (the footswitch is sold as an option)
- Master volume, gain, equalization trebble / middle / bass, a loop amplifier, an effects loop, a gizmo to record his rglage.

One small problem: you can not mmoriser that rgalges 2.


Setup is simple, there is no need to be ingnieur sound to make it work, it's like on any amp, it RULES volume gain and the legalization .
APRS is chosen the amp, the effect (which RULES based on need).
The only worry is mmoriser these sounds for those who are completely blocked by the language of Shakespeare pouront not read the manual (which, by the way is a simple cardboard stuck on the fist ). Despite everything is simple and intuitive, so no worries.
We obtain easily the recherchquel matter the style.


I play with an Ibanez amp RG.Mon old silent TB15R an Ibanez, the m *** e, then the transition was a shock (in a good way!).
This amp suits me perfectly, it is ultrapolyvalent, and fits all, we go from Hendrix Van Halen in 4 seconds, watch in hand.
The sound is powerful and warm, the lamp filled out its rle.
I remain on the ass, if you'll pardon the expression.


I did not, but it soon for trs.
What a slap! What Polyval! What power! It dchausse teeth!
Nothing wrong, it is not given but it is justified.
I think this amp is Ingal in this price range.
It is suitable for all styles of music, but can be the well mtal mchant well bourrin.Dans this case it is the amp for you.
The other, go for at least trying!