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Fender Premium Platinum 20' Bass Cable

All user reviews for the Fender Premium Platinum 20' Bass Cable

Mono/Stereo Cable from Fender

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  • Domi-DDomi-D

    Fender Premium Platinum 20' Bass CablePublished on 09/21/13 at 00:31
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    For over 2 years, branch output pedalboard up the amp. Jack sews a ct jack right of the other in the classic 6.3 format. Very well made, robust look at "vantage" the cable tweed blue / black helps avoid winding "snatches" that can harm a classic cable, resuming its original shape every time .dropoff window
    No problem Until now, tolerates travel and repetition manipulation. This cable sold under the name "Bass cable" is defined very ddi 4 strings, difficult for me to assess the tural value.
    Good qualitprix if one is looking for a quality cable that lasts over time and rather nice look.