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MJ Tutoriels CUBASE 5 - initiation intermédiaire (2)

All user reviews for the MJ Tutoriels CUBASE 5 - initiation intermédiaire (2)

Multimedia/Video Pedagogical Aid from MJ Tutoriels

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  • mercury7777mercury7777


    MJ Tutoriels CUBASE 5 - initiation intermédiaire (2)Published on 12/23/10 at 09:16
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Keeping your car in this training ca not learn anything from the hand you have all heard a thousand times "etc etc" or "we'll talk later" short is really pretty poor for my taste!
    Direct you instead to "Elephorm" more pro!
  • mercury7777mercury7777


    MJ Tutoriels CUBASE 5 - initiation intermédiaire (2)Published on 12/23/10 at 09:17
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Keep your pennies because this training ca not teach you anything at all aside from hearing a thousand times "etc etc" or "we'll talk later" is really quite short zero to my taste!
    Directing you instead to "adobe" more pro!