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ProCo Sound DeuceTone Rat
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greg_dvs greg_dvs
Published on 10/30/11 at 12:51
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Easy to set up, it is actually juggle all the possibilities before you find the sound you are looking, it takes a chouilla time but nothing too complicated.


Two things, one positive, one negative:
- There are ways to make a max of sounds, all excellent, not exactly identical to the original RAT in my opinion, but the sounds do not sound so good, just very slightly different.

- I have lost signal when I put the level of distortion and the volume too high. As if an integrated compressor puffed my attacks when I pull my strings too. Without that it would be perfect but suddenly, I can not use my foot as I want.


In short, a pedal that could be a real massacre but I have a big problem.
Is this a problem with my foot in particular, I do not know if any of you had the same, let me know ;-)