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The Alyseum MS-4 and AL-USB are available

Belgium-based Alyseum announces the release of the MS-4 Eurorack synth module and the AL-USB MIDI interface.

First introduced at Musikmesse this year, the MS-4 is a Eurorack programmable format designed to control up to 8 MS-812 MIDI CV interfaces (8 CV out and 12 digital out) or any other CopperLAN compatible interface.

Each of the 16 MIDI input channels can be sent to the MS-812 mono, poly or drum section, and you can send the MIDI clock signal to multiple MS-812 simultaneously. Its is also possible de directly monitor and edit from the MS-4 the voicing, portamento duration and 2 user-definable parameters on the MS-812.

The controller features 4 CV inputs that can be used to modulate in real time any parameter of the MS-812 and you can edit and route the system with the free CopperLAN Manager software. Last, the MS-4 module features an Base-T 100 Ethernet interface.

The MS-4 is available for the price of 220€ but for the launching, Alyseum bundles it with one MS-812 for the special price of 474.30€ (10% off the total price).

More info about the MS-4 at www.alyseum.com.

Note that the CopperLan Manager has also been updated to version 1.2.6, which brings new editing capacities and adds an automatic product update system via a remote server.

Other news is the availability of the AL-USB MIDI interface which, for 62.28€, allows you to connect any USB/MIDI compatible computer and tablet (2 MIDI In and Out) to a LAN network via the Base-T 100 Ethernet port.

You can also use the AL-USB to exchange MIDI data with other AL-Series or any CopperLAN compatible devices with a peer-to-peer connection.

Last, and this is the bad news, due to the lack of public interest, The MSX prototypes that had also been introduced at Musikmesse, are abandoned.

  • nhaxuong.hcm 1 post
    New AFfiliate
    Posted on 12/05/2013 at 08:46:41
    You can also use the AL-USB to exchange MIDI data with other AL-Series or any CopperLAN compatible devices with a peer-to-peer connection.

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