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SuperMegaUltraGroovy Capo 1.2 for iOS

SuperMegaUltraGroovy today announced the immediate availability of Capo 1.2 for iOS, which adds audio effects that help users learn their favorite music by ear.

Capo 1.2's mono re-mixing effect allows music students to isolate the left or right channel in their learning materials. For instance, a student learning to play the saxophone might have practice songs that contain a saxophone panned to the left, with the rest of the band panned to the right of the song. The student can now choose to slow down and learn the saxophone part on its own, or play along with the band.


Capo’s vocal reduction effect from the Mac app has been brought to the iOS platform. This is designed to help singers practice along with their favorite songs, and to allow instrumentalists to push the vocals out of the way while learning to play their favorite parts.


Capo 1.2 also includes a 10-band equalizer that allows frequencies to be better separated while trying to learn parts that are difficult to hear in a full song. Bass players often use the equalizer effect, as it allows them to focus on the low end of a song without being distracted by the rest of the instruments.


Pricing & Availability:

Capo 1.2 is available now from the iTunes App Store for $20, and it runs on the iPhone 3GS or better, the 32GB 3rd generation iPod touch or better, and iPad. Existing Capo customers can update Capo for free from the App Store app on their devices, or using iTunes.   

Capo 1.2 on iTunes: itunes.apple.com/app/capo/id386963803?mt=8

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