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[NAMM] Galaxy X Convolution Synthesizer

Galaxy Instruments and Best Service present Galaxy X, a new virtual instrument with Effect Convolution sound design.

The sources are sample sets recorded and tweaked for use with FX Convolution: for X-KEYS hundreds of tonally playable instruments like piano overtones, a bowed fan, waterphone or mini-celesta, for X-FX thousands of effect sounds such as magic balls, whirling wood or circuit bent noises and for X-LOOPS loops such as 1-tone-drum, body percussion or rod spring piano.


With the X-Files of the X-Engine, a celeste mutates into a tuning orchestra, a bowed ventilator sinks into the resonances of a piano, a sitar smashes into a clatter of glass, a tonal dance loop arises from a kalimba, the company says.


X comes with over 1000 key, FX and loop instruments.


Galaxy X

  • Based on effect convolution sound synthesis
  • With 1000 key, FX and loop instruments
  • With 1000 convolution X-Files

Includes spheres, impacts, rhythms, tonally playable loops, effects, morphed sounds, sequences, cinematic soundscapes, wild ambiences, drones, effect grooves…


Pricing & Availability:

Shipping January 2012 - MSRP  € 249      £ 219         $ 299

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