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Wusik Wusikstation 5.4

Wusikstation has been updated to v5.4. Both full and demo versions have been updated, included the WS GBox version.

A new demo version with Groove Box integration and a full selection of sounds has been added to the site.


  • New 16 Bit format, for both WusikSND and the option above. Disk-Streaming also works for 16 bit files. Files saved in 16 bit are not compatible with previous Wusikstation versions. To save in 16 bits, open the Sample-Editor and select the WusikSND Save option. There’s a 32 and a 16 option. We will release the info on this format changes so sound-converter-developers can add this function to their software (aWave, Extreme Sample Converter and Translator).
  • New WusikPACK file format. Now you can select one preset or a folder of presets and you will get a WusikPACK file of all related files: presets, sounds and effects. You can also manually add any other files from the DATA folder to a WusikPACK file. e.g. Skins, Library files, extra effect presets. This will replace all installers for new sounds, presets, effects and skins. Making it much easier to install new things into the WusikEngine based products. To add a WusikPACK file, just drag-and-drop the file into an empty area of the interface. Or into the file-browser directory or file listing. You can also open the file-browser and select options->UnPack.
  • Drag-and-Drop ability for WAV and WusikSND files from ANY directory. Just drop it to an empty area of the GUI. If the file is from the DATA folder, it’s going to be saved as relative-to-the-data-folder, otherwise, its going to save the full c:… path information.
  • New “fix broken sound-links” option in the File-Browser->Options menu. This will search all presets and fix the broken sounds-links.
  • New “fix library broken preset-links” option in the File-Browser->Options menu. This will search all library files and fix the broken preset-links.
  • 16 Bits Batch-Converter option added. You can chose a directory and convert all 32 bits files to 16 bits (with the option to replace or keep the original files, and also process all sub-folders).
  • New Multi-Out file with 9 outputs: each layer outputs to an individual bus, plus 2 FX and 1 Main output (mix of all outputs). This requires the wIni file to be updated. If you want the old behaviour, just delete the “Multi Out Ext” line and the following “1” line (both lines).
  • Fixed problem on loading non-looped WusikSND files.
  • Fixed several buffer related problems.
  • Fixed problem with library files. When the preset is not found, it searches for the file and re-saves the library file. Now it keeps the extra text-information in the new file.
  • Improved Master Limiter (better sound).
  • The Manual.pdf was also updated (wusik.com/download/Manual.pdf).
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