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Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer

Overdrive pedal from Ibanez belonging to the 9 series

judgelaloicmoi judgelaloicmoi
Published on 12/23/07 at 09:05
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So I bought 2 years ago that TS-9, the current standard, basic. T have enough of THE FIRST costs, this increases the mdium pedals and lower the bass, not as beautiful as trs saturation, not enough heat (at least the n is not what I expected when you buy).

here is my set:
American Series Stratocaster
Peavey Classic 30
Oddly, the effect 'down low' is less the feel of a transistor amp because I tried it on a 112 bandit, and sounded good. For less well against c'tait the classic 30 .... boosted channel of the amp had more heat.
I speak for a year pass since APRS not in use, I told myself that I did not lose any of the changes do we find on the net (electronic level, it is not difficult, and in addition I am in the game).
I made ​​this change: http://www.tonepad.com/photoessay.asp?photoEssayID=9&sequenceNo=1
I found from this trs good site: http://www.linux-france.org/article/web/egraffin/ts9.php
I prcise I did not find the original circuit, the JRC4558D, I pulled over an equivalent circuit, the RC4558P, closer than the currently used TA75558 factory.
I also use to change the LED in order to set a standard, less consumption and more diffuse (the home ingnieurs ibanez have thought to do well by putting a diode 'lazer', which is powerful but very s directive, so he must be straight in the face to see if it is lighter, which is unusable, especially on scne)

Rsultat races: the bass is back, and the medium are wise they should be o, and suddenly the sound is warm, the rglage the tone is really useful and usable (you can always find some prs's the same as the original, without amendment, by the way to the treble .... personally I'm 2 / 3 to the low and hope it's hot).
Changed everything for me I use almost saturated the channel of the amp, and I can not do without this little frog!


All dpends of what looks like kind of saturation, in any case I advise to change it, but even at home, otherwise it's really expensive (and not justified my opinion).