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Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer

Overdrive pedal from Ibanez belonging to the 9 series

pelly pelly
Published on 05/31/07 at 23:25
Overdrive in a metal box strong enough ...
Some use it as a boost in their level plaant bottom and gain lightweight ...


No need for manual .. there are three knob.
I wanted depending on the volume level, the gain depending on their background and I voullais, I set the Tone (tone). and go .. trs we arrive quickly at the sound you want ...


So it's the perfect ... Many say that there is no power and not enough gain .. These people have clearly not understood that this was an OVERDRIVE ... trs trs sound is warm ... it's great as his ... truly outstanding!
I use it with the gain substance and Tone 10:00 ..


I tried standard pedals before that the ... I was looking for in a distortion Ralite base but I fell in love with the TS-9 ... so I took the overdrive ... I use it mostly for rhythm and solo all calm and keep my nanmoins MT-2 for solos shred more.

I referrer that choice without hsiter