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Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer

Overdrive pedal from Ibanez belonging to the 9 series

blacksnake blacksnake
Published on 04/25/04 at 03:34
Best value: Excellent
- Metal
- 3 potentiomtres (Drive, Tone, Level)
- Power: 9V battery or mains
- Jack on 6.35 (in, out)
- Replacement Integrated Circuits by an original LM1458N


A switch on / off, 3 potentiomtres, do not bother to have 15 to Bac know how to use


Well, it's basically why I made the purchase. The MODEL used by Eric Clapton, Keith Richards or even Popa Chubby has built a reputable in the field of overdrive. Possdant Pod2 one I tried in vain to get an overdrive but when I attacked the strings, obtained by saturation attack lgre turned distortion.

I use an Ibanez RG550 with a Peavey Classic 50/50 and with a Vox V847.

Depending on rglage gain, you get a crunch from the muscles a nice warm overdrive.
The knob of the Tone is not to look pretty, it is feared
I use most of the time, the neck pickup with the potentiomtre Tone of the guitar 7 / 10.

The grain obtained is fabulous with either the bridge or neck pickup your exact is not aggressive. By combining a TS9 Tremolo lightweight, one raproche Vox amps of the '60s.

I use the following rglages on M-one to try to reproduce a Vox AC-30:

[1] Soft Tremolo
speed: 4.87 Hz; depth: 60%; fx level: 52%

[2] Room reverb
decay: 0.78; Predelay: 0, size: small, high cut: 2.51 kHz; hi color: 0; lo color: 0
Reflect lev: 0dB; reverb lev: 0dB; modulation: off; mod speed: 0, mod depth: 0; fx level: 18%

IDAL is the MODEL for Blues, Blues / Rock. If you are looking for a metal distortion, go your way.

Examples APRS changes:

Its clear (http://egraffin.free.fr/ts9/TS9-clean.mp3)
Drive 0 (http://egraffin.free.fr/ts9/TS9-od0.mp3)
Drive 5 (http://egraffin.free.fr/ts9/TS9-od5.mp3)
Drive 10 (http://egraffin.free.fr/ts9/TS9-od10.mp3)


Try it and adopt it. I heard this effect unit, there are 7 / 8 years old when I com o play the guitar, I think the c'tait TS5 MODEL therefore cheap. A force to try to reproduce with a TS9 POD2, I buy a DCID TS9 Reissue. Few months after the purchase, I changed the two Integrated Circuits and Resistors to reproduce the TS808. For more information on this operation you will see a page of my website dedicated the Tube Screamer (http://www.linux-france.org/article/web/egraffin/ts9.php). Since I have I can not do without.