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Port City Amps Sahana Boost
Port City Amps Sahana Boost
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hthomas hthomas

« Talk about smooth! »

Published on 04/27/12 at 11:58
This is a killer overdrive pedal made by Port City Amps. It's very simple, Gain, Tone, Volume.
This is what you want out of an old vintage TS-808 “Tube Screamer” and much more without compromises. It can go from a light crunch to thick moderate overdrive. The Sahana boost is the perfect option for boosting your already overdriven amp for times where you want to stand out!
True Bypass, 9vDC, made in the USA!


It is so easy to get a great tone. Leave everything at noon and you'll be fine! It doesn't color your tone in a bad way. It really takes your amp to the next level.


This pedal has a great low mid presence. Tons and tons of heavy low mids. It really tightens up your amp and gives it some great punch and attack. This pedal really smooths things out a lot. it is perfect for that extra smooth leads that just keeping ringing and ringing. It's a simple but awesome pedal that works in any application.


This pedal just rocks. Litterally. It's just great at boosting an amp like a TS 808 would do. It is very close to what they used to sound like but Port City has there own twist on it. IT also sounds great with other OD pedals.