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Akai Professional MPD18
Akai Professional MPD18

PAD Controller from Akai Professional belonging to the MPD series

VvSurLeRiddim VvSurLeRiddim

«  Simple, effective and cheap »

Published on 08/19/11 at 04:42
- How long have you use it?
A little over a year.

- Have you tried many other models before buying it?
No, no.

What is so special that you like most and least?
Most: recognized automatically without installing on WinXP or Linux noon so util: Isable with virtually any DAW, no unnecessary gadgets, powered by USB; Cheap

The - the publisher is not available for Linux (not tried under WINE), no MIDI port (MIDI through the USB) not 100% usable without computer hardware (connected to a synth or rack expander) but I have no use and I knew it by buying

How would you rate the quality / price?
Very good

With experience, you do again this choice?