American DJ Mega QA PAR38
NewsAmerican DJ introduces its Mega QA Par38 3-lb. RGBA LED uplighting fixture.
American DJ Jelly Par Profile
NewsAmerican DJ’s Jelly Par Profile is a low-profile LED uplighting fixture that comes in a glowing transparent case.
Video American DJ Tri7X @Musikmesse
NewsMusikmesseVideo American DJ Tri7X @Musikmesse
American DJ Remote Controlled Pars & Bars
NewsAmerican DJ has introduced two remote control LED color par cans, PRO38B LED RC and PRO64B LED RC, and two remote control LED color bars, Mega Bar 50RGB RC and Mega Bar LED RC, which can be operated …
American DJ Big Shot & Snap Shot LED
NewsBoth lights weigh 2 lbs. and 4 lbs. respectively, pint-sized strobes, with a pulsating white light powered by LED technology.
American DJ P64 LED PAR
NewsAmerican DJ hhas added Master/Slave capabilities to his P64 LED PAR RGB-mixing LED PAR can with the introduction of the upgraded P64 LED Plus.
American DJ Releases 38 LED Pro Par
NewsAmerican DJ has introduced the 38 LED Pro, a compact par that can be powered by 75 10 mm red, green and blue LEDs.