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Realistic Quality Series 100
Realistic Quality Series 100
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Published on 03/02/11 at 13:55
Realistic Quality Speakers Series 100

characteristics listed on the back label:
- RMS power: 60W
- Impedance 8
- Freq. response 40-20000 Hz
- Electronic over load protection


I sense a dominance of medium after 2 hours of music but I have an amp of the 70 giving his rather round.

For the rest, difficult to determine for me which is a non-expert ear.


Hello to all

I was looking for more or less vintage speakers for coupling with a stereo amp tuner SANSUI 331 receiver also bought second hand. So I found these today (20 euros) and after a short heating time of the amp to get back on track, and although the whole issue sound very nice, well rounded years 70 (birth year of the amp). Even with my Philips CD624 CD player that I only use headphones for listening with its volume control that gives a smooth and fairly detailed.
My opinion is relative since I do not pretend to be audiophiles, but I love this set and that's the key.

If you know these speakers and their story, thank you for completing my message here today.

I wish you much pleasure in your music plays.

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