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Antec P150
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Seb-s Seb-s
Published on 02/20/07 at 07:58
I use it for about 6 months. I am fully satisfied. Casing is a well finished and well Designed. Everything is simple up and disassemble (notice a succinct little on some points, but even when you get there). The power supply is extremely quiet. For the rest, you choose your lments. Personally, with Zalman cooling solutions, I get a rsultat apprciable trs (trs volume low and trs good cooling).

I note when I t even have to file a lgrement caches faade to use it with my DVD player (an Asus), but nothing mchant and we see nothing.

Last point: the look. Well, it's a matter of taste. I really enjoy the simple ct, but some are too simple or even banal. It is more beautiful when lit with blue LEDs in faade. In this connection, the IDE LED that flashes when reading a DVD can s'avrer some teachers because it is trs visible in the dark (especially since we see it through grids ct arati of each of the faade).

The price is a bit lev (I pay about 150 euro), but has nothing to do with Casing noname, and then the power supply alone explains much of the price.

In short, I'm happy with my choice and I recommend it without Casing hsitation.