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Plugin Alliance Launched

Plugin Alliance
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Plugin Alliance LLC is a new American pro-audio plugin-company, founded by Brainworx CEO Dirk Ulrich.

“Our goal is to establish a new, user friendly native plugin “Über-Standard”, supporting all major plugin formats and uniting some of the best-known international audio companies under one virtual home, " Ulrich said.


The Plugin Alliance website features downloads, tech support, sales, news, etc. for all the plugins of the Alliance companies from on site. We will even offer multi-brand bundles for specific needs, for example Mastering Bundles, Mix Bundles, Heavy Metal Bundles, etc. with mixed plugins.


Members of the new Plugin Alliance will be Brainworx, SPL, Elysia, Vertigo, Millennia, Charter Oak, Mäag Audio, Neve Custom Series 75, Chandler Limited and others soon.


All of your existing ilok licenses will be honored by the new Alliance, and there will be upgrades to 64-bit and the new native AAX for all users. Every license you ever bought from Brainworx, SPL, Vertigo or elysia will be waiting for you in a free Plugin Alliance account already.


The new Alliance license system uses one single license file for all your Alliance plugins on your computer, it can be activated online and offline, and you may use up to 3 machines at the same time.


If you don´t want to become a “Member of the Alliance” you may go on using the iLok based installers you originally bought.


If you own a bx_ALL 2012 or an SPL ALL 2012 full license: you get a free upgrade for all your Alliance plugins. All individual plugins bought on or after MAY 1st, 2011: free upgrades for those as well.


Small upgrade fees apply for all plugins bought before May 1st, 2011:

  • Upgrade one or two individual plugins: 20 US$ each. Or simply…
  • Upgrade all of your older Alliance plugins: 50 US$ for the whole account.

You´ll get 64-bit versions and the native AAX format with these upgrades.


Plugin-Alliance.com was launched January 2nd, 2012.

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