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Soniqware T3 (Time To Trigger)

SoniqWare has released T3 (Time To Trigger), a stereo MIDI trigger engine that listens to incoming audio, detects new events, and sends MIDI notes with appropriate dynamics and pan to control a drum sampler or another synthesizer, live or in the studio.

With T3, you will be able to:

  • Perform drum replacement.
  • Enhance a drum or instrument sound by doubling it with a synthesizer.
  • Trigger a synthesizer using any sound from instruments, voice, or others.



  • Detection engine.
  • Pinpoint frequency band used for detection using low-pass and high-pass filters.
  • Control both detection sensitivity and detection loudness threshold.
  • Adjustable guard to avoid faulty double triggering.
  • Percussive trigger mode, to be used for instance for drum replacement.
  • Sustained trigger mode, where sustained sound generate sustained MIDI notes.
  • MIDI channel, program, and note control.
  • Continuously adjustable dynamics curve, linear and non-linear.
  • Velocity and pan captured from the input signal.
  • Velocity tracking in sustained mode: expressive changes in the loudness will generate appropriate MIDI expression messages.
  • Pan tracking in sustained mode: a left-right panned input audio will generate a left-right panned MIDI note.
  • Graphical display: signal loudness and internal detection signal.


Pricing & Availability:

T3 costs $124 / €99. Educational discount available: 25% off regular prices.


It’s available in the VST format for Windows XP/Vista/7 and Mac OS X 10.5/10.6/10.7 Intel.

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