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Gemini DJ iKey Plus
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Lancedelot Lancedelot
Published on 04/18/07 at 02:39
I have this product since December 2007

Although it is true that this tool is a bit fickle, it is nevertheless very useful for saving our lives and our repeated (with little to lead and focus on recording).

Advantages: 1 - its impeccable sound quality (by taking mood or direct connection)

2 - the 2 file formats WAV and MP3 recording in different compression ratio)
3 - it is small, convenient, easy to "Trincballer"

Disadvantages: 1 - its crashes on startup
2 - no editing possible without manipulation (if key USB PC / USB Key MP3 player if: off, remove the key, the key plug in headphones .... short laborious!)

Otherwise, I do not regret still not have bought from that I use (see above) that said, I look forward to changes in the range!