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Zoom H4
Zoom H4

Pocket Recorder/Multitrack from Zoom belonging to the H4 series

prof2musique prof2musique
Published on 12/24/07 at 06:57

music teacher and choir director, I use the h4 for 1 month now. It is really good trs, easier to use my MD. It seems to even quite fragile and does not support the pockets or bags loading ... I still search saccoche adapts the gear ...
Record-level lot that a wheel to rgler gain of t were better than these automatic levels.
Its super fast boot! ide when the song comes, time to turn trs is short and I record the ide presto: nice to give the TRANSFR via USB Cable: I waived extract the SD card: you have the fingers of elf.
The catch: I can not find how to update the date and time of the device. I love that sort files ... I cre wav or mp3 of the October 2005 ... I am furious! if you have a walkthrough (philippe.brun @ free.fr)
I russi to update the OS and it is true that the version 2.10 has a trick of practice: it displays only level batteries.
I bought it on ebay: 200 euros with free shipping + 2 GB SD card + SD 512 + foot base. Happy buying! my music retailer that always makes me a good price to me was 289 euros (price for friends) and EUR 359 for the other! Considering the price of the dollar, n'hsitez more!