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Fender Mini Tonemaster EXPII
Fender Mini Tonemaster EXPII
Tchix Tchix
Published on 06/25/08 at 15:06
Amp transistor "Fender Mini Tone-Master"

Replica of the famous Fender Tone-Master, but travel version.

The cattle delivers 1 W of power ... but beware ... it spits!
We have two small HP 1 "

Level connectivity was a standart INPUT Jack, a headphone mini-jack and a 9V power supply (not included).
And a 9V battery slot (back).
The settings are: GAIN, VOLUME, TONE, POWER (on / off).

Look at the ca pete well in pastique replica tweed with vintage grille .... looking more ready ac makes a little cheap, but it's still strong enough.


No need to leave Saint-Syr to run the amp ...

This gives a good sound quickly with this little thing.


The first thing you notice is that the beast was in the belly!
Really great to see such a stunning little amp spit so much! It's really great to play in an apartment!

I tried with my EMG ESP mounted ... so that it sounds fat! We shall see to have a good single coil see a P90-94 to make it all even more drool!

knob playing with the tone we really going to sound dull and nasal to finally filled middle. It's a great point.
Playing with the knob of the scratches can be anything you want. Mount the gain of the amp back down the volume on the guitar and it was a crunch of madness.

Here is an example of the different sounds obttenus video:

Sometimes we feel that HP does not follow at times ... but they also participate in this dirty slimy fat that I like so little practice!

I put 7 / 10 because he obviously these limits ... but it's definitely not a toy!


I like its portability and small size.
I love this vintage look, it makes a great decoration in the living room. Everyone wants to try it and everyone is bluffing .

I like the fact that unless the trap stack vibrates when the bass is too intense.

The normal value for money ...

I would do this choice with the experience!