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Yamaha VA-10
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missele missele
Published on 04/11/07 at 08:19
Amp battery and travel industry - 10w


Config simple to use. For less than 50 euros, it was more a chorus trs own (without pushing on rglages) a distortion (not good) and a delay (at least let him too).
Let's be clear: it was with a small electric sound. The distortion is discarded. The clean sound is clean but nothing more.
on the other hand, with an electroacoustic, the receiver takes a whole new dimension! I play Takamine G SERIES: it is stunning! deep bass and clear highs wish. this is typically the amp to play in the street (in a corner not too noisy) or in the evening with friends singing (loud!).


I recommend this amp to anyone with electroacoustic string metal. For less than 50 euros: the rve. Of course it is not too powerful an amp (10w): do not try to group play with!


Low fuel consumption in electricity consumption (6 1.5V power supply or mains)