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the box PA 110 A
Sebastien Goyet Sebastien Goyet
Published on 10/02/10 at 02:30
Often used for several months back but also mini facade in a boat, or a directory like soft drink

Impressive, with good bass and more ... Have fun send electro has consquent supports same volume, can be made from the sounds of the carcass.

Strangely as impressive as the trademark "The Energy" sold in France CHRE much, but who really and truly the same key, to the EQ knobs are strictly the same, like for the button PSU to the rear side in metal brushed ... Again, I suspect that suppliers do not care about the world.

For my part, so it Exceeds my expectations that I take does not hesitate a second, considering the price, for use in true stereo mini facade.

SMALL CORRECTION: I had not a small default button "Line / Mic", thank you for giving me roland1961 explained that this is not a default but security! He had support along with a utensil such pen to start the gain Mic ;-) So for now, for zero fault here.

Appointment in a few years to see if Thomann sells really disposable or not. I invite those who use His stuff Energy to the same thing.

Oh, I almost forgot to say that there are no screws for the speaker is "blocked" on the foot. I was like a screw on my Mackie Italian, BY CHANCE BUT AS (I commend a layer) no such screw on Energy Its really disturbing these concidences ...