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Powered PA Speaker Cabinet from RCF belonging to the ART 7 series

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Djmrxpro Djmrxpro
Published on 05/25/09 at 05:34
- How long have you use it?
For the past 3 months

- What is the particular feature you like best and least?
The more the weight, power, the mouth of the speaker ...

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
I had a Wharfedale EVPX 215, the EVPX 15, ... Obviously not a see anything ...

- How do you report qualitprix?
The report QualitPuissance / price is excellent, a huge can for sure parraitre invest as much in a pair of speakers, but in the end we found it really, the sound is clear, prcis, and Above all powerful, suspended 4.5 meters high, this place gives the impression that there are no limits.
When one steps back, it really does realize that sending a strong trs.

I used a pair and cut 100Hz couple RCF ESW 4 1018, that happiness is a growing trs trs strong as faade.

- With the exprience, you do again this choice?
Of course not hsiter, I also order another pair trs ending for I surely do it again four more ESW for a real faade for large bulk collection outdoor.

I put 10 because that's all what I expected of such a product.