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Denon DJ DN-2600F
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Dizonke Dizonke
Published on 02/12/09 at 08:52
I use it since 2002
I had a double platinum Quadratech before ... a brand of shit what!

And yet ... after 4 months of use: the optical drive DENON death! Fortunately it was still guaranteed. But very disappointed, my Quadratech had never made the lurch!

What I like is the starting line, the points A1 A2 effects.
Like least: loops that are not made automatically, we must remove them to correct them. The functions that you can not change during playback.

Many fault the use of force:
- Readers who open close soon ....
- The buttons do not work

Value for money way, I paid € 1200 at the time, forcing ..!
With the experience I would not take this product anymore, I would choose PIONEER