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Gemini DJ CDX 1200
Gemini DJ CDX 1200
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chtoums chtoums
Published on 10/30/08 at 16:56
2 CDX 1200 I bought a few months ago. I did not keep time!

- Not specific on timing wheel.
- Loop not perfect (there's a white out of the loop).
- After the 3rd or 4th night, the CDs have begun to jump, or they remained blocked (I could not open the CD tray).

It's a shame, the design is rather nice ...
And we can not say that mine c'tait dfectueux silent, I had two and both went awry.

We can say that they can be used to discipline at home, especially since they have a remote control, but not for night! (You can imagine how the dancers had started screaming when jumping! The shame that I had!)

I used a Numark CDN15 before, and I am now with two Numark MP102 I can tell you that has nothing to see!

- How do you report qualitprix?
Pretty bad, but it's true they taient not very CHRISTIAN.

- With the exprience, you do again this election? ...
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