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Coles 4038
yoTrakkz yoTrakkz
Published on 09/14/11 at 21:08
The Coles 4038 mic is the type that you would use if you where into broadcasting, it gives you a very smooth response without in distortion. But in my opinion it lacks some warmth, and can exaggerate the high end frequency a little too much.

The frequency response of the 4038 by Coles is very flat, from 30 to 15000 c/s and throughout this range the shape of the bi directional polar response is maintained substantially constant both in the horizontal and vertical planes delivering a smooth sonic quality.


When we tried to use this microphone in the studio it didn’t sit too well in the mix, I think when talking to fast into the mic it makes the quality go down this is why I said its more for broadcasting. So if you have a webshow or a pod cast or online radio or talk show this mic would be perfect for you. It looks great and sounds great if you are using it for that purpose. But I wouldn’t go with this mic if I was trying to record some live instruments or vocals from musicians and or artist.

Overall it seems to be built pretty tough, only used it for a few weeks before returning it back to the store because we chose to go with a better quality mic for a studio setting. We are not running talk shows or pod casts so this mic didn’t fit us at all. We purchased it directly from the store for a decent price and we had a good return policy so that is why we chose to give it a shot. Knowing what I know now I would not of took the chance and got this mic. It was a waste of my time, not saying its not a good mic its just not for what we are using it for.