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Zildjian K Custom Ride 20"
Zildjian K Custom Ride 20"

Ride Cymbal from Zildjian belonging to the K Custom series

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Evolusson Evolusson
Published on 10/16/08 at 21:48
Value For Money : Poor
MODEL I possde this for about 2 years.

Premire thing to know about this cymbal is that she does APRS Designed a prototype of Labor with Dave Weckl ... He wanted a cymbal as playable Ride Crash!
Of the MODEL SERIES is a little more pais the prototype, but it remains close to a Crash / Ride (quite Ractive plays crash)!

The sound is typical and she is a game intended plutt Jazz / Fusion (& Dave Weckl Dennis Chambers, among others, have played over time ...). APRS, it is imbued with history of got Obviously!
One thing is for sre, this cymbal can not "agree" everyone ...

Thing is, valid for all the cymbals & particulirement MODELS hammered for random (either manually or not) as the Ride, the sound varies a normment another cymbal (for the same REFERENCE cymbal) ... In other words, IDAL is to have several "identical" on hand for comparison, and so do not rely forcment test a models only!
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Price lev course, but the quality is undoubtedly the