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Boss RT-20 Rotary Ensemble
Boss RT-20 Rotary Ensemble
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bouleux bouleux
Published on 02/04/08 at 14:51
Much has been said in the post t previous ones. However I use this with a guitar (Fender Stratocaster). Construction mastoc, aa look solid.
I regret the absence of a switch.


The manual is Retailer same but I still took time to understand the use of the machine (I have been offered, so I did not have a trs pr ide Cise of what we could learn). qq After hours, I found great clean sounds (Pink Floyd style mid 70's) I like least with overdrive. I am still under Discoveries but I find the possibilities INTERESTED trs.


I do not have much to say. For me, the quality of sound is nickel (I never used to Leslie), with the strato particulirement. I still sounds as the possibility of discovering rglage and yet I do not use the expression pedals.


I use the pedals for two months. It is a gift, so I did not compare to other models. Considering the price, I would have probably not buy (it's expensive and I practice as a hobby), but I intend to keep it. In practice, I find beautiful sounds and more j'apprcie the pedals. I think we should try it with a guitar.