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Library Monkey 2.0 & Sound Grinder Pro 2.0

Monkey Tools has announced the release of versions 2.0 of Library Monkey Pro and Sound Grinder Pro.

Changes in both applications:

  • Added POW-r Wordlength Reduction Types 1, 2, and 3 dithering.
  • Added full support for MP3 HD files. Learn about mp3 HD.
  • Added functionality to analyze assets in the background to auto-fill Peak and RMS metadata.
  • Added the ability to import Sonic Solutions files with metadata to provide playback and conversion to other file formats.
  • Artwork in media files is now handled by loading the artwork as needed instead of loading during import. As a result, the “Import Embedded Artwork” Preference has been removed.
  • Added support for capturing crashes in order to collect user feedback and upload to Monkey Tools.
  • Added Open Recent Session menu to provide quick access to recent Sessions.
  • Added functionality to read and write Markers through WAVE file cue points.
  • Added support for disabling the Channel Mask when creating WAVE files Added a WAVE file setting called “Include Channel Mask” that defaults to off that will make multi-channel files more compatible with Pro Tools.
  • Added Preference to disallow spaces in output filenames.
  • Added the option to use the filename without extension as a source to a metadata field in the Metadata Tab.
  • Improved Monkey Tools Trim Plugin: Added the option to limit assets to a maximum time on export. -Added ability to select to trim just the beginning or just the ending of the audio.
  • Fixed an issue where default settings would not be restored properly and would cause incorrect files to be created.
  • Fixed an issue where converting from FLAC => FLAC and changing the sample rate would result in incorrect output files.
  • Fixed an issue with “Copy from Selection” in the Metadata tab where the application could crash.
  • Fixed an issue where processing through AU plugins would always display an error.
  • Fixed an issue when reading ID3v2.4 tags where the size of individual metadata was not being calculated correctly for large metadata.
  • Fixed an issue where using the FhG Surround encoder could cause the application to hang.
  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur if an Empty folder was selected for import.
  • This version contains several other fixes and enhancements providing greater stability and efficiency.

Additional changes in Library Monkey Pro 2.0:

  • Added support to import the iTunes XML Database directly including all Tracks, Metadata, and Playlists.
  • Added functionality to allow for the pruning of missing files as well as removal of any asset from any library.
  • Added a metadata item “Asset Added Date” to indicate the date and time an asset was added to the Database.
  • Added Soundminer to file and iTunes Library to file metadata mappings.
  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur in the Database when an asset was updated in a Convert Session.
  • Fixed some issues where the search engine was not properly handling the search scope and search terms.
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