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Martin MX-4

All user reviews for the Martin MX-4

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Value For Money : Excellent
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  • ChichiChichi

    Martin MX-4Published on 01/21/04 at 00:58
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I 2 2 MX MX4 and a DMX driver for a year.
    The MX 4 slices have colors more and more prcises the MX 1, MX 4 are more pointed in DMX and 6000h lamps make a product for small pro services (accessories 200 - 500p). For close-ups, we use a pro lights coming out of his mac 250, mac 600 ..... but not ashamed of our little machines that work .... as martin dj!
    It is regrettable that only flights (essential) are not included with (just kidding)
  • djwillsdjwills

    Martin MX-4Published on 03/10/06 at 21:12
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use the J x 4 in several discothque and show room, it is fast but the problem that is a flagrant lack of reliability in the harsh, I do not recommend at all for pro use from the same scans SERIES mx, which are enjoyable to work, but do not take the hard, I have used with the light jokey each time, and color wheels, or DCAL is gobos which misses a little while the fact that we want to, or during a blackout or some mx 4, however, not very old, had high apparent leak, or even a spring that has blown up against for a night when the place of enlighten the track, this clearly the cool walls
    c is a pity when you see the price of a 4 mx, though Martin has accustomed us to better, we must review…
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    I use the J x 4 in several discothque and show room, it is fast but the problem that is a flagrant lack of reliability in the harsh, I do not recommend at all for pro use from the same scans SERIES mx, which are enjoyable to work, but do not take the hard, I have used with the light jokey each time, and color wheels, or DCAL is gobos which misses a little while the fact that we want to, or during a blackout or some mx 4, however, not very old, had high apparent leak, or even a spring that has blown up against for a night when the place of enlighten the track, this clearly the cool walls
    c is a pity when you see the price of a 4 mx, though Martin has accustomed us to better, we must review the robustness and reliability
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  • tico31tico31

    Martin MX-4Published on 09/27/06 at 01:13
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use the scan discomobile 2 years. Pros: The mirror is trs fast, colors are vivid and trs there is a choice! Its weight is not excessive.
    Inconvnients: Its plastic shell (so far I have not had a problem but the long, I'm afraid!)
    It is true that today I had the opportunity to see the new scans turn (other than Martin) in three times less ELC24v/250w Chres trs and really good.
    Finally, a great value for scan and trs qualitprix (3-4 years ago in rear)!